
Journal section "Editorial"

Scientific analysis of global challenges for Russia (on the article “How not to lose in the war” by Academician S.Y. Glazyev)

Ilyin V.A.

4 (34), 2014

Ilyin V.A. Scientific analysis of global challenges for Russia (on the article “How not to lose in the war” by Academician S.Y. Glazyev). Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2014, no. 4 (34), pp. 9-15. DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.4.34.1

DOI: 10.15838/esc/2014.4.34.1

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The opening article published in the previous issue of the Journal dwelled upon the relevance for modern Russia of the ideas set forth by the outstanding domestic economist Academician Dmitrii S. L’vov in the work “Economic Manifesto – the future of the Russian economy”. The work substantiates the notion that Russia must follow its own path. Dmitrii Semenovich proves that the modern capitalist world is plagued by contradictions more and more, it facilitates the emergence of social conflicts, regional clashes and local wars. He points out that Russia’s future development should focus on the spiritual heritage of Russians, their desire to solve the core issues together, collectively, to ensure social justice, strengthening the role of public administration in the economy and social life. This article especially stresses that in recent years the ideas of D.S. L’vov have been increasingly developed in the Russian science by his students and followers. Academician Sergey Glazyev is one of them

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