
Journal section "Socio-economic development strategy"

Innovation Course of Economic Development in the Northern and Arctic Territories in Russia and in the Nordic Countries

Zaikov K.S., Kalinina M.R., Kondratov N.A., Tamitskii A.M.

Volume 10, Issue 3, 2017

Innovation Course of Economic Development in the Northern and Arctic Territories in Russia and in the Nordic Countries / Zaikov K.S., Kalinina M.R., Kondratov N.A., Tamitskii A.M.. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2017, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 59-77. DOI: 10.15838/esc.2017.3.51.3

DOI: 10.15838/esc.2017.3.51.3

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